Al-Anon and Alateen have been in existence for over 60 years as a community resource. Providing support to those affected by someone else’s drinking. Today, there are more than 25,000 Al-Anon and Alateen groups meeting in 133 countries and 107 electronic (internet and telephone) meetings. All meetings are anonymous and confidential. There are no dues or fees for membership.
Disclaimer: In keeping with Traditions Eleven and Twelve, Al-Anon Family Groups respect the anonymity of all Al-Anon, Alateen, and Alcoholics Anonymous members. When any full-face image is published, the person in that image is not an Al-Anon, Alateen, or A. A. member.
Kern County Al-Anon
(661) 330-1964
Toll Free: (888) 425-2666
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Find a Meeting
Family Speaker Meeting
When: Last Wednesday of Every Month from 7pm -8:30pm
Where: Salvation Army Community Center at 4417 Wilson Rd. Bakersfield, CA, 93309
View Flyer
48th Annual Southern California Al-Anon Family Groups Convention
View flyer below for more information
English Flyer
Yard Sale
All proceeds benefit Kern Al-Anon Roundup.
Spanish Flyer